1. To adjust turns of wasting time and quality of the mixture of fuel. |
2. To heat the motor up to the work temperature and to withdraw the case of the filter of air. |
3. To take the plastic fabric of a damper of a valve of butterfly. |
4. Desconectar a hose of vacuum of a damper of a valve of butterfly and a damper adheres through a tube to an entry collector. |
5. To begin the motor and to measure turns. The turns of the motor will be more nominal and 5.1 corresponds to the value happened in the subsection. |
6. If necessary to do the agreement. To withdraw a stamp of the superior part of the case of a damper of a valve of butterfly and, making spinning the screw of agreement, establishing the necessary turns. |
7. Desconectar a tube of a collector of entry and to join a hose of vacuum of a damper of a valve of butterfly. |
8. To install the plastic fabric and the case of the filter of air. |