1985-1994 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Ford Skorpio
+1.1. Identification of the car
+2. Maintenance
+3. Motors
+ 4. System cooling
- 5. Fuel system
   5.1. Technical characteristic
   5.2. Fuel
   5.3. Gasoline without lead of V6, 2,4 motors and 2,9 dm3
   +5.4. System of air provision
   +5.5. Carburator of PIERBURG
   +5.6. WEBER 2V carburator
   -5.7. WEBER 2V carburator of TLD
      5.7.1. Removal and installation of the carburator
      5.7.2. Turns agreement of wasting time and quality of mixture
      5.7.3. Valve of needle of the camera made work for the buoy
      5.7.4. Device of vacuum of the walk of a valve of butterfly of the secondary camera
      5.7.5. Substitution of a diaphragm of the valve of the economizador
      5.7.6. Automatic initial agreement
      5.7.7. Turns agreement of bystry to waste time
      5.7.8. Removal and installation of a damper of a valve of butterfly
      5.7.9. Adjust
   +5.8. System of injection of fuel
   5.9. Removal and installation of a collector of entry
+6. Union
+7. Transmissions
+8. Driving axle and rear bridge
+9. Direction
+10. Supports of the triangular form of interruption
+11. Brakes system
+12. Wheels and tires
+13. Body
+14. Electric equipment


5.7.2. Turns agreement of wasting time and quality of mixture


Screws of quality agreement of mixture and turns of wasting time

1 - screw of quality agreement of mixture,

2 - screw of agreement of turns of wasting time

For the turns agreement of wasting time and quality of the mixture is necessary to have a tacômetro and the analyzer of the composition of gases of leak.

1. To heat the motor up to the work temperature.
2. Desconectar everything the consumers of the electric power.
3. For the access to the screw of the agreement of the quality of the mixture of withdrawing the case of the filter of air, having supplied the connection fiável of an electronic valve and the hose of a covering of a head of the cylinder block.
4. Desconectar the capture of the thermal sensor of the supporter of an electric heater and to close both contacts for a passage point to be lit of the supporter of the constant job.
5. To check the installation of the initial moment of the ignition.
6. There adhere to the motor a tacômetro (in the ignition off) and an analyzer of gas.
7. To increase turns of motor to 3.000 revolutions per minute and to maintain them inside 30 seconds, and soon to transfer the motor to the way that wastes time.
8. To take leituras of devices.
9. In a detour of the size of turns of wasting time of the standard to establish for the screw of the agreement of the amount of the mixture the necessary turns.
10. In a detour of size of contents in spite of withdrawing a protective hat of the screw of the quality of the mixture, increasing turns of motor to 3.000 revolutions per minute and maintaining them inside 30 seconds, and soon transferring the motor to the way of wasting time and, making spinning the screw of the quality of the mixture, establishing the necessary thing SO level.
11. In the modification of the speed of wasting time to adjust his screw of the agreement of the amount of the mixture.

To take leituras of devices and to do the agreement it is possible only after the stabilization of indications of devices of measurement.

12. The absence of an analyzer of gas the agreement approached the quality of the mixture can be done how if it follows. In for making the motor of work spin the screw of the quality of the mixture in the interior until the turns of wasting time do not begin soon to lessen considerably to unscrew a little the screw in the opposite sense before receiving the smooth operation of the motor.