1. To withdraw a negative wire of the accumulator. |
2. In motors with the carburator to withdraw the filter of air. |
3. In motors with the system of the injection of the fuel to withdraw an air entry, the camera of the elevated pressure and the filter of air. |
4. To fuse the liquid that cools of the cooling system, having unscrewed a cork in the right they lower the part of an electric heater. |
5. Desconectar to repayable hose of an electric heater and a hose that is joined to a wide tank of a head of the cylinder block. |
6. Desconectar of a head of the cylinder block a hose of the provision of cooling the liquid to a heater. |
7. Desconectar a hose of the ventilation of a case of a front covering. |
8. In motors with the system of the injection of the fuel for desconectar hoses of vacuum of the oil pipeline of entry. |
9. Desconectar the fuel of getting a beating and supply waters with hose of the regulator of pressure. |
10. Desconectar electric wires of the supporter of electric heater. |
11. To unscrew a pin and desconectar the basic tire of the left rear part of a head of the cylinder block. |
12. In motors with the system of the injection of the fuel for desconectar and to withdraw wires of a system of control of the motor. |
13. For desconectar they connect the high central voltage of the ignition roll. |
14. To unscrew the superior nut of the fixation of a reception they exhaust the tube to a final collector. |
15. To lift an advanced part of the car and to unscrew two nuts lower of the fixation of a reception they exhaust the tube to a final collector. |
16. To lower the car. |
17. Desconectar wires of high voltage of candles and to discover the distributor of ignition. |
18. To unscrew taken of spark. |
19. To remove the distributor of ignition. |
20. Desconectar a thread of pedal of gas pedal. In the carburator motor to unscrew a thread of a valve of butterfly together with the bearer, and in the motor with the injection of the fuel for desconectar the sketch of the case of a valve of butterfly after the extraction of a clip of the artificial material. |
21. In the moment of the removal of a head of the cylinder block with the system of fuel and a collector of entry for desconectar all the wires, hoses and thread, to unscrew nuts of the fixation of a collector of entry and a splitting fuel. |
22. If it is necessary to withdraw a head of the cylinder block without system of fuel and a collector of entry, to unscrew nuts of the fixation of a collector of entry and a splitting fuel and to move them to the part, without desconectar of them wires, hoses and a thread. |
23. To unscrew 11 pins and 4 nuts of the fixation and to discover a head of the cylinder block. |
24. To withdraw a chain of the mechanism that distributes the gas and an asterisk ( sees the subsection). |
25. Gradually and alternadamente to unscrew nuts and to discover the fixation of axles together with the oil pipeline of oil producing resources. The axles coverings are marked for the installation besides that repeated at the places. The absence of the marking, before the coverings removal they have to be marked. |
26. To take axles of a head of the cylinder block. In the distributive one to an end, operational final valves, there is an etiquette of the green color. The absence of an etiquette to mark axles. |
27. To withdraw empurradores hydraulic of valves and to put them in containeres correspondents with the oil of the installation besides that repeated at the places. |
28. Gradually and constantly to unscrew 13 pins of the fixation of a head of the cylinder block in the sequence of the return to the pressure.
The reuse of pins of the fixation of a head of the cylinder block is not recommended.
29. To withdraw a head of the cylinder block and to establish it in two wooden grindstones to avoid the damage of valves. |
30. To withdraw the placing of a head of the cylinder block and the captures of direction. |