1985-1994 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Ford Skorpio
+1.1. Identification of the car
+2. Maintenance
+3. Motors
+4. System cooling
+5. Fuel system
+ 6. Union
- 7. Transmissions
   +7.1. Mechanical transmission of five speeds of type of N
   +7.2. Mechanical MT 75 transmission
   -7.3. Transmission A4LD automatic
      7.3.1. Technical characteristic
      -7.3.2. Service and repair Work description Check of level of oil in the transmission Check and washing of the hydrokinetic transmission Check of pressure of oil in operational time of the transmission Test of an overload of the hydrokinetic transfer of motor Agreement of a stares of a brake of advanced planetary transfer Removal and installation of the regulator of vacuum Hydraulic auxiliary rocket of reverse planetary gear Centrifugal regulator of pressure of oil Substitution of a ring of rear fighter Removal and installation of the mechanism of the choice of transfers Removal and installation of sketch of the choice of transfers
         + Agreement of a thread of the mechanism of Kick down Removal and installation of the transmission Bad functioning of the automatic exchange
+8. Driving axle and rear bridge
+9. Direction
+10. Supports of the triangular form of interruption
+11. Brakes system
+12. Wheels and tires
+13. Body
+14. Electric equipment

bfe6b27a Test of an overload of the hydrokinetic transfer of motor


The motor has to be begun only in the moment of provisions of the lever of the dislocation of gear of "P" and "N". In the motor that wastes time to installation of the lever of the dislocation of gear in one of the provisions "R", "D", "3", "2" or "1" will cause the easy break of the enemy lines of the car.

In the increase in the speed of the motor in the situation "D" or "R" and the compressed pedal of a brake or the tight lever of the brake of emergence the motor will work with the speed of not more than 2000-2900 revolutions per minute. This test must not continue any more than 2 seconds. The pressure sizes in the control speed also waste time specified in the correspondent (to see the etiquette. Pressure of control of oil (kPa)).