1. To withdraw the list of a few internal articles of tapestry of doors. |
2. To withdraw a covering of rubber for the foam. |
3. To be lifted against the stop and to support the glass. |
4. To unscrew two screws of the fixation from glass to a window regulator. To protect the glass in the superior provision, having supported it of below of a wooden lath. |
5. In the presence to withdraw the regulator of window they direct the capture of electric motor. |
6. To unscrew two screws of the fixation of guides from glass. |
7. There perforates four rivets (they are specified by firearms) the fixation of a regulator of window. |
8. To take a regulator of window for a great opening in the internal list of a door. |
9. The installation is done in the sequence, the return to the removal, at the same time it is necessary to use new rivets. |