1985-1994 of launch

Repair and operation of the car

Ford Skorpio
+1.1. Identification of the car
+2. Maintenance
+3. Motors
+4. System cooling
+5. Fuel system
+6. Union
+7. Transmissions
+8. Driving axle and rear bridge
+9. Direction
+10. Supports of the triangular form of interruption
+11. Brakes system
+ 12. Wheels and tires
- 13. Body
   13.1. Taken care of a body
   -13.2. Monk's hood
      13.2.1. Removal and installation of a monk's hood
      13.2.2. Removal and installation of a thread of a monk's hood
      13.2.3. Removal and installation of the list of monk's hood of isolation
      13.2.4. Removal and installation of a front guard
   +13.3. You carry
   +13.4. Extern elements of a body
   +13.5. Hall elements
   +13.6. System of heating and ventilation
   +13.7. Condicionador
+14. Electric equipment


13.2.4. Removal and installation of a front guard

1. To open a monk's hood.
2. To unscrew two screws of the fixation of the central section of a trellis.
3. To withdraw mouths of a lavador of lighthouses, having spread them out of bearers.
4. The front guards withdraw the section of side (it is specified by an arrow).
5. To withdraw the central section of a front guard, having lifted an ear (1) and having put it out (2) to the part.
6. In subsequent models to withdraw levers (the firearm) of a cleaner of lighthouses. To unscrew nuts and to withdraw levers of axes.
7. To take an end of the section of side of a trellis of the armbands located behind lamps of rates of the turn. It is careful to take the section of side of a seat to the separation of the central section.
8. To separate the central section of the second section of side, having lifted an edge of the sections of fixation of latch.
9. The installation is done in the sequence, the return to the removal.
10. At the same time to install the lever of a cleaner of lighthouses in axle openings, having leveled it with the lighthouse base.